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Sunday, August 30, 2015


The popular saying "the Rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer" is no longer new to most of us anymore.
The Rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. This is as a result of the inefficiency in the system. The Rich understand the law of wealth and they act on it,the poor do not know about this or  ignore  it and thereby they are at the detriment of the Rich guys.
The Rich understand the law of wealth and applies it.
"The law of wealth states that to be wealthy,you don't work alone,you must work with people".
The Rich understand this law and apply it.
They use the system of leverage to make themselves richer. This they do by buying the time,energy and intelligence of the poor and middle class and using it to make themselves richer while given them salary.
Ironically some people think they own a job ,but actually the job owns them. They are slaves to their boss. Take example Warren Buffet - world ardent investor who only meet with his board of directors twice in a year. Buffet employs smart guys who manage his business for him while he may be on a beach having a nice time with his family. Yet Buffet is still  the richest investor on planet earth.
The Rich will always be richer, because of this fact. The poor and middle class use their intelligence, skill and time to make money for the rich,and out of the money they made they will be paid a percentage of it.
Some people who earn up to $100,000 think that they are well to do. The truth is; before you can be paid $100,000 ,your intelligence, skill and time put into your work is x10 of what you are paid.
These Rich guys most of the time are not well educated,no college degree,or some of them are high school dropouts. The likes of Henry Ford, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates and many others are example of this fact. They are not well educated with all the book knowledge but they leverage on the intelligence of the poor and middle to make themselves richer.
Knowing this fact alone,it has become imperative to mind your business. Work for yourself and your dreams rather than for your boss.
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